In addition to warming up with cardiovascular exercise, various dynamic movements can be helpful in acutely increasing joint range of motion and function. See below one example of a lower body and upper body dynamic stretch.
Leg Swings
Leg Swings are a useful tool to warm up the lower limbs individually with the goal of taking the hip, knee and ankle joint through an increased range of motion.
How to complete Leg Swings:
Start by setting up next to a wall or stable surface you can hold onto.
Place your hand on the wall and lift your inside leg off the ground
Swing your leg forward, straightening your knee and pointing your toes at the top
Swing your leg back, bend your knee and flex your foot and toes at the top
Repeat as prescribed
Please See Process Below:

Shoulder Dislocates
Shoulder Dislocates are a dynamic stretch used to move the shoulder joint through a large range of motion and assist in mobilising the scapulothoracic (shoulder blade) and elbow joints.
How to complete Shoulder Dislocates
Start by grabbing a dowel, band or broomstick/mop with your hands as wide as possible.
Keep your elbows straight and lift the dowel over your head in a controlled fashion.
If your mobility allows continue to move the dowel back until it is behind you.
Return to the start position by bringing it back over your head.
If your mobility allows bring your hands slightly more narrow and repeat.
Repeat as prescribed.
Please See Process Below: