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for those wanting to get moving, but are not sure where to start

What If We Told You There
Is A
Life Changing Exercise
Program For

We help people reduce pain, manage their health and improve their quality of life even if they've never exercised before or tried exercising and didn't get the result they wanted. 

About Us

WE have already helped thousands


The Best Health
Professional You
Haven’t Even Met YeT.

You may have gotten to this point because you have seen Physio's for your back pain, personal trainers for weight loss, or you haven't tried anyone because you thought you were too old, sick or disabled to start an exercise program. 


We all know that not exercising or stopping exercise due to illness or injury can be one of the worst things you can do. This may result in more pain or a decline in your condition.

But, starting for the first time or re-commencing exercise after a long time isn't easy when you do it alone or without the right guidance and support. Believe it or not, exercise should be enjoyable - it doesn't even need to be hard.  As Exercise Physiologists, we know that when people are prescribed the right exercise program their life has potential to change for the better.  

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At EHA we know what it takes to get you moving or back to moving. We take the time to understand you, using our University Education to deliver the best possible medical grade exercise programming. We treat our exercise programming like a doctor uses a prescription for medication. Our exercise and programming is not your medication prescription but “Your Health Prescription”.

We deliver these services at state-of-the-art rehabilitation facilities, not some cramped room in the back of a GP practice or a clinic with a couple of reformers and some stretchy bands, or a gym confused with a nightclub with a bunch of people looking at themselves in the mirror wearing not enough. 

view our state of the art facility

Our Facilities

We use advanced assessment technology so we understand exactly how to help you achieve your goals and we show you when and how you have achieved them along the way. We don't roll you around on a table and guess what exercises you need, we have the numbers to ensure you are safe and getting the best possible service. 

We also use phone and tablet based exercise software. Gone are the days of exercise programs scribbled on a piece of paper, or worse, someone making up your program on the spot. Every session is planned well ahead of time and individualised to you. Outside of your sessions with us, you will have access to this software with videos of how to perform all your exercises and a way to chat directly to your EP (Exercise Physiologist) outside. This is how we get results. All of this isn’t at any extra cost.  

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we are passionate about helping you change your life.

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Who We Work With

If you have private health insurance you may be eligible for rebates on your Exercise Physiology services which we can process on the spot. 


We Bulk Bill those eligible and with a valid medicare referral.


We work with ex-service men and women to recover ailments or injuries and manage their mental health. 


We help those who have been injured at their workplace, rehabilitate injuries and get back to work stronger. 



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Why Do Exercise Physiology 
The EHA Way? 

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The EHA Way

We've Helped People In A  Similar Situation To You Before.

We have been delivering Exercise Physiology services for over 5 years now. We have delivered them all across Queensland and have already helped 7,500 different people and counting. People with different pains, injuries and disabilities that they previously thought would stop them from being able to exercise. It's pretty likely they are still coming to see us. We know how to help you and you will probably be working alongside other people on similar journeys. 

Our Facilities Are Built For You. 

Gone are the days of only using stretchy bands and bosu balls. In order to get the best possible results, you need the best possible equipment. We utilise rehabilitation machines and equipment that are both safe and effective for anyone who steps into our facilities. You won't have to spend the session worrying if that resistance band is going to snap and hit you in the eyes or if that squeaky treadmill is about to fall apart… 

Medical Exercise Therapy That Changes With You. 

We prescribe exercise like doctors prescribe medication. We take the time to assess and learn about you before we get you moving. We help you manage your health and conduct health monitoring pre and post sessions, so you don't have to worry. We also understand that your treatment plan will need to change with you. We understand you. You shouldn't be doing the same exercises day in and day out as you are not the same everyday, life happens. If you're having a bad day, we put you first, we will adapt the program to how you are feeling. Nonetheless, as you improve, we will continue to review and progress your program so you can continue to get better, move better, feel better and work towards your goal.  

A Whole Team Dedicated To Making Improving Your Health Easy. 

You getting back on track, rehabilitating your injury or just feeling better again should not be hindered by paperwork or not being able to find an appointment that suits your lifestyle. We have a team of clinically trained administration staff who take this burden away from you. Everything from appointments to paperwork is sorted, so you can get in and start without unnecessary hurdles (should you need it, the only hurdles you'll step over will be in the gym, but we'll get to that).

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What's Included in Your Health Prescription?

Your Health Prescription
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Initial Health Prescription 
Consultation (1 hour) 
Individualised Exercise Program 
Ongoing Supervised Clinical 
Exercise Prescription 
Ongoing Health Monitoring
Regular Review Assessment
and Goal Setting
Regular program update
and progression

We also offer Hydrotherapy and Home Visits to those who need it.

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Can't see your condition here? That's okay, unfortunately we couldn't list every single condition we are able to help with. If you are unsure if we can help, put your name and contact number below and we will get one of our Senior Exercise Physiologists to give you a call to see if we are the right fit. 

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Heart, Lung and Metabolic Disorders 

Heart Disease 
Heart Attack/Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Interventions and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts
High Blood Pressure 
High Cholesterol

Type 1 
Type 2

Lung Disease

Psychological and Neurological Disorders and Pain/Fatigue

Neurological Disorders

Chronic Pain/Fatigue
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mental Health 

Muscle, Bone and Joint Injuries/Pain 

Neck and Shoulder Injuries/Pain

Cervicogenic Headaches
Shoulder Pain 
Rotator Cuff Tears/Injury 
Shoulder Surgery

Low Back and Hip Injuries/Pain
Lower Back Pain 
Disc Bulge 
Hip Arthritis
Hip Replacement
Labral Tear
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

Foot, Ankle and Knee Injuries/Pain
Knee Arthritis
Knee Replacement
ACL Reconstruction
Meniscal Tears
Ankle/Foot Arthritis

Our Specialties


Our Locations

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