What Is An Exercise Physiologist?
Before you know what an Exercise Physiologist is, you are probably wondering, why do we even need another allied health professional in the first place?
So, let us explain.
Less than half of the adult population (aged 18-64) and a quarter of older adults (aged 65 and over) do enough exercise to meet the national physical activity guidelines (1). And we know this is not just because people are lazy. In fact, one of the most common reported reasons as to why people do not meet the current physical activity guidelines was due to ‘poor health’ or ‘injury’ (2).
This is understandable as everything is a little bit harder when you are unwell or injured and exercise is no exception. Which begs the question:
Who is trained to make exercise, this vital part of living, a happier and healthier life easier?

Before we prescribe you any exercise or give you any exercise, we find out everything there is we need to know about you in order to prescribe the safest and most effective exercise program.
Once we know what we need to know we then prescribe you the “goldilocks program” the program that is perfect for you. Not too much exercise that you leave feeling worse for it and not too little exercise that you exercise but get no benefit. Simply, the perfect amount and types of exercise for you and your body.
We then work alongside you providing you all the support you need to move safely and effectively. We will adjust things with you as you and your body need it.

So, What does an Exercise Physiologist do?
We help people who have never exercised before, haven't exercised in a long time or stopped exercising due to illness, injury or life getting in the way. Use exercise to live a happier and healthier life, regardless of what's happened in between.
References 1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Physical activity across the life stages. Retrieved from https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/physical-activity/physical- activity-across-the-life-stages/contents/summary 2. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (n.d.). AIHW report shows Australians not getting enough physical activity. Retrieved from https://www1.racgp.org.au/ newsgp/clinical/aihw-report-shows-australians-not-getting-enough